Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oh The Irony

Just a little note to mention I was still alive.
Funny how my last post was entitled, "Back In the Saddle", and then I fail to post for almost the entire month. Want to know what I was up to? Didn't think so, so I'm not going to take the time to make up a midly interesting story. It goes back to one of the previous blogs and the internal wrestling match over what and when to write.
During the school year, I make a long, fairly humerous (at times) rant every Friday as kind of a "last push for the end of the week" that gets sent to fellow teachers and friends. I plan on posting those here as a cheap way to increase posts. Some may be laced with inside jokes, but nobody is reading this page, so I don't care. I don't know if I'll every direct people to this page, but why worry about it now.

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