Thursday, April 20, 2006

An Institution Falls

Once one of our favorite blogs to curl up on the couch and read, it seems the Omaha TV News Blog has succumbed to the pressures of living annonymously. There has been a long-standing fight about who "Ted Brockman" really was, hiding behind his Anchorman pic. While controversial, it was a hit across Omaha. Now after a month and week without a new post, we're guessing they've decided to call it quits while they are ahead. Luckily, we don't have that option right now! So, until they get back on the wagon, we'll play Taps and take them off of the link board.


Unknown said...

You are certainly welcome to replace the link from omanews with The Reader's online media notes:

Same stuff, only more informative without the humor.

ptg said...

'Brockman': paid off?

Hosh said...

Thanks. I heard of this, but had never found it. It'll have to do until the stupidity comes back!
Who knows? Somebody's ego got feed somehow.