Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Rant of the Day

So I just got back from CWS practice. For those of you unfamiliar, the day before the College World Series starts, all teams get an hour to practice at Rosenblatt Stadium, an event that is open to the public. I had to go get my credentials for the series, so I went in to sit and watch Tennessee warm up (I believe that Nebraska worked out at 9 because they were still around at 10:15 when I got there..Just missed a chance to say hi to Joba Chamberlain!! Should've stayed in my seat 5 more minutes!).
Anway, back to the issue: I was sitting along the third base line, watching the Vols take batting practice. In the outfield bleachers, not surprisingly, were a large amount of children begging for balls from the outfield players. Instead of asking for one politely, all you hear is, "Here! Here! Throw it here!!" I would've thrown it there, so that I hit the kid in the mouth so he'd shut it! I was annoyed and they weren't even yelling at me. Am I being too critical? Is the teacher in my coming out?? Oh well.

Another new site

Every now and then I put up sites that I find relatively cool or important or pertinent. So as a Nebraska Democrat, I was pleased to see that they have a web site with a blog as well. Feel free to go and partake in discussions, or just browse!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

"Closet Intellectual"

Before I forget, my sympathy to the family of former Gov. and Sen. J.J. Exon, whose funeral is tomorrow. Although I am a young Democrat, I have been catching up on some of the things that he's done.

Now on to something that has nothing to do with politics.
Last weekend, my wife and myself, along with a friend, went to the Anchor Inn to catch Lemon Fresh Day. We sat at a picnic table with an older couple (50's, maybe) who were very nice. After we got to know each other a little bit and found out some of our background, they started giving our friend crap about dating and telling her they would find a man. They razed her about dating a "smart guy" (since he's an optometry student). She finally relinquished the fact that she, too, was an optometry student. Completely catching the man off guard, he says, "Oh, you're one of those closet intellectuals that only reveals herself at certain times." Why I found this to be totally hilarious, I'm not sure, but I did. I've been thinking quite a bit about this, and have developed a definition:

Closet intellectual (adj.): A highly intelligent person who does not always choose to use their intelligence, only using it when it is completely advatageous for themselves. Because of their ability to blend in with all groups of individuals (i.e., both idiots and scholars), they are that much smarter.

This, however, is not to be confused with people who are just "book smart". They lack the common sense to turn off and on their intelligence. They are forced to be dumb in certain situations, while a closet intellectual choses to be dumb. I would like to think of myself as a closet intellectual. I'm pretty quiet when it comes to most things, but every now and then I let my true self be revealed. I'm currently theorizing on other levels of intellectual, so check by later when I need something else to blog about.

The Great Debate

The greatest time of the year is approaching here in Omaha: the College World Series. I'm excited because, as an usher, I actually get paid to be at the games. I just hope I get to do more watching than actual working.
I've been browsing through many other blogs of people that I have shared interests with, according to our profiles. I've noticed a lot of them haven't been updated recently, and even when they were updated, they were crap. One started out by saying, "Some of you told me to write something intelligent, so, something intelligent". The next (or previous, depending on how you read them) was a two line post that he says was made when he was drunk. So here's my great debate: to blog for the sake of blogging, or minimizing my blogs until I have something intellectual to say (which reminds me of another story, which I'll create another post for). So, if for some reason you happen to fall across this canvas of rants and posts, please weigh in on this subject.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Your business

I consider myself an intelligent American. I am a loyal Democrat, but not so much that I feel I'm wearing blue-colored glasses. I would be willing to predict that I would be labeled a conservative on a majority of issues (having said that, I've never seen a definition of liberal, conservative, radical, etc., that I've taken the time to decipher). Which brings me to my latest beef.
Just last night, the Omaha Public School Board passed a resolution saying that it wanted to take over schools in Millard and Ralston because they lie within the Omaha city boundary. I get highly annoyed when people can't leave well enough alone. A few months ago, the city voted to annex Elkhorn. I can understand why, but they came out in the media before letting Elkhorn residents or city officials know. The same thing happened last night. Neither Millard nor Ralston officials had any knowledge of their plans before it came across the 10 o'clock news (actually, the news media must have called them before the showing, but you get my drift).
If they want to take over the schools, that's fine. I don't teach in those districts, and, personally, I would quit if my school got taken over by OPS. I don't feel they do a good enough job with keeping in touch with the schools that they have. I feel that my district pushes it, and we only have 13 schools, as opposed to the 60+ that OPS has. Their ability to do so, although it will be challenged by Millard and Ralston, seems to be perfectly legal. Why does this not include Westside? A law enacted in 1947 (which will probably be referred to as the Westside Exception) says, to some effect, that if a school district that maintains a high school and is unincorporated at the time of annexation will remain separate. The Millard schools were part of the City of Millard (which was obviously not unincorporated) at the time of annexation, and Ralston High School will not be part of the takeover. The Westside Exception, which makes absolutely no sense if you look at it from Omaha's point of view (why would the city allow the exception except for their must have been some buddy-buddy agreement), obviously only applies to Westside.
My whole beef is the way that Omaha is handling it's dealings. Be it the school board or the city council, neither is acquiring PR points. If you want to flex your muscle and participate in an eastern Nebraska takeover, that's fine. But handle it in a professional way. Don't let the first blow be in the media. It would be a lot less controversial if you would fire a warning shot by letting the affecting people (i.e., Millard/Ralston school boards or Elkhorn city government) know ahead of time. If you consider yourself a professional organization, act like it.
But that's just a conservative speaking.