Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Irony of Hugo

Hugo Chavez made comments about Bush this week that even ticked off Democrats. But the whole irony of the week is that, if someone went to Venezuela and mouthed off about the "devil" that Chavez is and the tirant that he is, they wouldn't make it out alive. But he can come here, on our soil, and mouth off about our "sick" president and make it out without a scratch. I've never been one to talk about how great Bush is, but this isn't what free speech is about. If you want to stand here and take the abuse that will undoubtedly be returned to you, great. But Hugey is sure to head home to make sure all of the papers get muted and rewritten to talk about how great his speech was and how Americans rejoiced with him and echoed his sentiments. I find it so incredibly ironic that one of the things that he stands against in his own country lets him speak to the world his short-sighted opinions in our country. Words can't describe this moron.
State 29 via the Feedlot has a great article on how not all of the Democrats were opposed to Chavey and his words (lacking in) wisdom. Thanks, Tom, for making me oh-so-proud to be a Democrat.

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