Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ho,, screw it

I think that it is highly ridiculous that Christmas trees are being taken down because someone else isn't a Christian. In the Seattle airport, a rabbi's request to add a menorah brought down the rest of the trees. I get so annoyed by having to take down Christian decorations because other people don't like them. I don't blame the rabbi in this case, I blame the airport. What's wrong with putting up the menorah? Or any other religious affiliation? Why not show that you embrace other cultures instead of being the party pooper and saying that, if you can't have what you want, no one should? You run a public place with millions of people from millions of backgrounds coming through every day. Not only are you showing that you recognize their religions, you may invoke positive curiosities about those religions. That's OK. Be a humbug. I wish we heard more about those who do spread curiosity by putting up multiple religious decorations instead of these pansies who take their ball and go home because someone new wants to play.

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