Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Struggles of Being a Democrat

I've never shied away from being a Democrat, but, if you've read the archives, I am a realist and understand that us Democrats are not all created the same. Boy, did we have a dumb week.
Never, ever, should a white person bring up plantations during the week when we honor one of the greatest African-Americans in American history. We're not exactly proud of that whole era. The people that Hillary Clinton was talking to may know what she's talking about, but does she? She has no idea what life was like on the plantation. Her ancestors never knew what life was like on a plantation, except if they owned one (I have no idea, I've get better things to do than research that). Don't get me wrong, I think the only reason we've seen the faces of many Republicans lately is because their heads are shoved so far up their behinds that their scalp is making a return trip through the esophagus. But don't tell black people what plantation life was like! Don't say that it still exists!
And Al Gore. What the hell? Did you forget your normal blood pressure medicine? I'll admit it, I voted for him. I voted for him because he seemed mild mannered. I don't want a hyper-active, over-reacting moron (see current admin) running the country. Now you're more excited than an ex-priest in a brothel. Contain yourself, young squire. Yes, spying on us was wrong. But do we have to give ourselves a heart attack to get the point across? Somebody must be looking for an office again...

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